Tenerife: Europe’s first Whale sanctuary
The west coast of Tenerife holds a secret paradise for marine life enthusiasts: the Teno-Rasca Special Area of Conservation (ZEC). Established in 2013, this marine sanctuary safeguards a flourishing underwater world teeming with whales, dolphins, and a dazzling array of marine creatures.[1] In recognition of its exceptional biodiversity and dedication to responsible tourism practices, the Tenerife-La Gomera Marine Area, encompassing Teno-Rasca, became the first designated Whale Heritage Site in Europe in January 2021. This prestigious designation, awarded by the World Cetacean Alliance (WCA)[i], recognizes the region’s exceptional marine biodiversity and unwavering commitment to responsible whale watching practices.[2]
A Tapestry of Marine Life
Teno-Rasca’s magic lies in the unique tapestry of its underwater realm. Warm, tranquil waters meet dramatic changes in depth close to the shore, creating a perfect haven for a diverse range of marine animals. Here, you have the opportunity to encounter up to 28 different species of cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises).[3] Resident bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) gracefully navigate the currents, while playful pods of Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) and acrobatic short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) put on breathtaking displays. For the truly fortunate, sightings of the critically endangered monk seal (Monachus monachus) might add an extra layer of wonder to your experience.[4]
Beyond the captivating cetaceans, there are schools of colorful fish, while majestic seabirds like shearwaters and terns soar overhead.[5] This breathtaking display of marine life completes the picture of a thriving ecosystem.
Exploring the Wonders of Los Gigantes
Los Gigantes, a captivating coastal region within the Teno-Rasca ZEC, offers incredible opportunities to witness this marine bounty firsthand.[6, 7] Embark on a responsible whale watching tour and marvel at these gentle giants in their natural habitat. Remember, responsible whale watching is paramount to minimize disturbance. Choose operators committed to ethical practices, maintaining a safe distance and avoiding sudden changes in speed or direction. If you decide to rent a boat yourself and encounter cetaceans, adhering to these guidelines is essential for respectful interaction.
Protecting a Marine Paradise
The Teno-Rasca ZEC represents a crucial step towards safeguarding Tenerife’s irreplaceable marine biodiversity. However, challenges like maritime traffic, pollution, and underwater noise threaten the delicate balance of this ecosystem.[5]
Responsible tourism plays a vital role in protecting this marine sanctuary. Supporting eco-friendly boat tours and adopting responsible behavior when encountering wildlife are essential steps we can all take. By working together, we can contribute to the conservation of Teno-Rasca, ensuring its wonders continue to inspire for generations to come. If you rent a boat from adboatrental.com or any other boat rental company and go out on the ocean yourself, be aware of the following rules.
Encountering Cetaceans with Respect
- Maintain a safe distance: Avoid getting too close, especially to mothers with calves. Respect their space and allow them to approach you on their terms.
- Minimize noise: Turn off engines when stationary and avoid sudden changes in speed or direction. Quieter vessels create a more natural encounter.
- No sudden movements: Avoid erratic maneuvers that could startle the animals.
- Observe, don’t pursue: Never chase after cetaceans. Relax and enjoy the experience as they navigate their natural environment.
- Limit your time: Avoid extended interactions that could disrupt their behavior.
- Don’t feed or play with them: Under no circumstances should you go into the water or attempt to feed the cetaceans, as it can be dangerous for both you and the animals.
By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure a magical encounter for yourself while minimizing stress on these magnificent creatures.
Witnessing the Magic: Responsible Whale Watching Adventures
Several reputable whale watching companies operate in Tenerife and La Gomera, offering visitors a chance to witness these incredible marine animals firsthand. Many tours depart from Los Gigantes in Tenerife, making it easy to combine relaxation with exploration. Beyond the thrill of the encounter, these boat trips are designed to be educational experiences. Experienced guides provide fascinating insights into the lives of whales and dolphins, raising awareness about marine conservation efforts and the importance of protecting these irreplaceable species.
You Can Make a Difference
As responsible tourists, we can all play a role in protecting these incredible animals and their habitat. Here are some ways you can contribute:
- Choose responsible whale watching operators who adhere to sustainable practices.
- Minimize your environmental footprint by opting for eco-friendly transportation and minimizing waste generation during your visit.
- Support conservation efforts by donating to organizations dedicated to marine mammal research and protection.
By taking these steps, we can ensure a brighter future for whales, dolphins, and the breathtaking marine environment they call home. With its exceptional biodiversity and dedication to responsible tourism, the Tenerife-La Gomera Whale Heritage Site sets a new standard for marine conservation. So, come explore the wonders of this unique region, witness the magic of whales in their natural habitat, and contribute to a future where these magnificent creatures continue to thrive.
A Beacon of Hope: The Future of Teno-Rasca
The Tenerife-La Gomera Whale Heritage Site serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating how responsible tourism and environmental protection can coexist. By striking a balance between economic development and ecological sustainability, the region ensures the continued well-being of its marine life while offering unforgettable experiences for visitors.
Ready to Explore?
Visit our website at adboatrental.com to learn more about responsible boat rentals in Tenerife and explore the possibility of embarking on your own unforgettable whale watching adventure!
[i] The World Cetacean Alliance: Champions of Marine Conservation is a global organization dedicated to the well-being of whales, dolphins, and porpoises (cetaceans) and declared the Teno-Rasca ZEC in 2021 as Europe’s first Whale Sanctuary. This organization collaborates with a network of experts, scientists, tour operators, and NGOs to promote best practices and sustainability in whale watching tourism. The Whale Heritage Site designation signifies a region’s exceptional marine biodiversity and commitment to responsible practices. These sites serve as models for sustainable tourism, ensuring the well-being of cetaceans while allowing visitors to experience the wonder of encountering them in their natural habitat.
[1] Ministerio de Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico. (n.d.). Red Natura 2000 – ZEC ES7020017 Teno-Rasca. https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/biodiversidad-marina/espacios-marinos-protegidos/red-natura-2000-ambito-marino/zec-es7020017.html
[2] Tillett, M. “Tenerife-La Gomera”. World Cetacean Alliance. Available at: https://worldcetaceanalliance.org/tenerife-la-gomera/.
[5] Ministerio de Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico. (2013). Propuesta de Lugar de Importancia Comunitaria Marino Teno-Rasca (ES7020017). https://www.canariasconservacion.org/Documentos/PGMA%20LIC%20TENO-RASCA.pdf
[6] Instituto Canario de Estudios Ambientales . (n.d.). Anexo I – Zona de Especial Conservación Teno-Rasca (ES7020017). https://www.idecanarias.es/resources/ZEC/AnexoI/ES7020017_I.pdf
[7] Ministerio de Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico. (n.d.). 13 – PANEL Teno-Rasca-ES7020017. https://www.miteco.gob.es/content/dam/miteco/es/biodiversidad/temas/biodiversidad-marina/13-PANEL-Teno-Rasca-ES7020017_tcm30-521039.pdf
[8] Ministerio de Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico. (2013). Franja marina de Teno-Rasca-ES7020017 (Nov. 2013). https://www.miteco.gob.es/es.html https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2021.669790/full
[9] Carrillo, M., Tejedor, M., and Ramos, J. J. (2006). Análisis del Estado de Conservación de las Costas y Áreas Marinas de la Isla de Tenerife. Proyecto de Voluntariado Ambiental Monachus. Resultados-2006. Fundación Global Nature–Tenerife Conservación. Área de Medio Ambiente y Paisaje. (Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Cabildo Insular de Tenerife), 80.
[10] Cetacean diversity and distribution off Tenerife, Canary Islands
[11] Cabildo de Tenerife. (n.d.). Zonas de Especial Conservación (ZEC). https://www.tenerifeon.es/en/protected-natural-areas
[12] DC Servicios Ambientales. (n.d.). Proyecto acústico Teno-Rasca. https://dcserviciosambientales.es/nosotros/
[13] El Día. (2021, January 28). Teno-Rasca, primera zona declarada ZEC por los cetáceos. https://brandcentre.hellocanaryislands.com/historia/franja-marina-teno-rasca-patrimonio-ballenas-europa
[14] ElDiario.es. (2022, February 10). Si Canarias pide blindar la Zona Especial de Conservación Teno-Rasca para evitar el puerto de Fonsalia. https://www.eldiario.es/temas/ballenas/
[15] RTVC. (2021, January 27). Teno-Rasca, primera zona declarada Patrimonio de Ballenas de Europa.
[17] El Día
[18] Canarian Weekly